Samsung Biologics Phase 1~4 Project

  • Completion


  • Location


  • Services

    E · P · C

  • Capacity

    Phase#1 mAbs (monoclonal Antibodies) : 30,000 Liters
    Phase#2 mAbs (monoclonal Antibodies) : 152,000 Liters
    Phase#3 mAbs (monoclonal Antibodies) : 180,000 Liters
    Phase#4 mAbs (monoclonal Antibodies) : 30,000 Liters

  • Client

    Samsung Biologics

Samsung Biologics Phase 1~4 Project

Samsung Biologics Phase-3 Plant located in Songdo, Incheon was the world’s largest biopharmaceutical plant with a bioreactor of a 180,000-liter capacity, which we were awarded with as an EPC + Validation project. Based on our EPC capability and experience in process engineering, which is a critical skill for bioplants, and production system validation, we focused on securing high quality for GMP documentation, bio building, hygienic piping and HVAC. In addition, by mobilizing experts and utilizing our project management capability, we recorded a short lead time of only 35 months from the start of construction work to being ready for cGMP validation.

Enhancing Our Global Competitiveness by Training Inhouse Resource and Hiring Outside Talents

After entering the bio plant industry with Samsung Biologics Phase-1 Plant in 2011, we continued to carry out additional projects in the industry, including Dong-A DM Bio Plant and Samsung Biologics Phase-2 Plant. In addition, we created a designated organization for bio plants to have a single team for engineering and project management. We are also actively training our employees while hiring talents from outside and carrying out joint marketing activities and collaboration projects with other EPC contractors to increase our opportunity in the market and strengthen our global competitiveness.

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