Petronas Carigali Sabah Oil Gas Terminal Project

  • Completion


  • Location


  • Business Portfolio


  • Services

    E · P · C

  • Capacity

    Oil : 260,000 BPD
    Gas : 1,250 MMSCFD

  • Client

    Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB)

PCSB Sabah Oil Gas Terminal Project

The Sabah Oil & Gas Terminal (SOGT) Project, ordered by the Malaysian state-run oil company, Petronas, was aimed at building the storage and transportation facilities for 260,000 barrels per stream day (BPSD) of crude oil and 1,250 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of gas. The SOGT Project was the first large oil and gas development project by the government in Malaysia in the past 10 years, and the capacity accounts for 33% of the total production in Malaysia.

Succesful Completion of Oil & Gas Separation Plant, Our First Upstream Project

Following the Thailand Songkhla GSP-1, Malaysia Ethylene and Vietnam PVC Production Facility projects for Petronas, we successfully completed their Oil & Gas Separation Plant, which was also our first upstream project, in the state of Sabah in the east of Malaysia, leading us to win the next project, TGAST, from the same client.

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